The Story of Deegayu

The founders of Deegayu were searching a suitable name for their proposed new entity intended to establish for the purpose of designing and launching novel products to the people of the globe who have been made isolated and helpless due to marginalizing them from the nature on health aspects by the chemical medicines they have been forced to use even against their conscience.

The main concern and the task assigned to the founders of Deegayu was to name the entity with the best word which summarizes the overall activity of the organization including the mission, vision and the objective of the organization to a single word in the shortest manner.

Ayurveda, a system of medicine originated in India some 4000 years ago have helped living beings both humans and animals of the earth, to live their lives with the help of the nature by utilizing the available resources for the prevention and cure from diseases they fall in due to various causes of the environment. Traditional Chinese Medicine system too was originated in China In parallel to Ayurveda as one of the oldest systems of medicines in the world. India and China are the countries blessed with the nature to bear nearly one third of the world population and huge reserve of flora and fauna proportionate to the presence of living beings of these too countries.

In addition to the above two systems of medicines, there were healing practices present in all over the world endemic to respective countries and with the inception of industrial revolution in 18 th century, modern allopathic medicinal system was originated and acquired the complete medical industry leaving all the endemic healing practices aside.

Deegayu was able to understand the factual reason on why and how the two oldest systems of medicine, Ayurveda and the Traditional Chinese Medicine only are still capable in surviving as successful traditional therapeutic practices in spite of the existence of highly developed and sophisticated system of modern allopathic medicine.

Deegayu is on the view that as a low, the nature facilitates all the living beings whoever originated or born on the earth with foods and medicines for their existence and the wellbeing until their death enjoying a reasonable age of living. The very simple fact on understanding this truth is the natural inhabitance of huge creatures such as elephants and whales etc. without the help of chemical medicines.

The discovery of Deegayu was that the nature by its own law facilitates enjoying the long life if the law of the nature was well understood and properly practiced. Ayurveda and the Traditional Chinese Medicinal systems are the two systems of medicines flourished with the resources of nature such as forestry and ocean.

The Sanskrit word Ayurveda was formed with combination of two words Vis.AYUSH + VEDA giving the meaning – “The Science of Life “, further elaborating the literal meaning ,the Way towards longevity.

It was finally agreed to name the newly born entity as "Deegayu " as the brand and the rest of the words of the organization, Ayurvedic and Botanical products added to elaborate the activity of the organization more descriptive and precise.

After the incorporation of the organization with the dawn of the millennium, Deegayu started moving towards its goals by establishing policies for the future operations.

The derived policy of the organization was to establish an entity for exploring the nature through the wisdom of Ayurveda and all other systems of medicines prevailed in the globe in the known history through modern science and technology towards offering lasting solutions to the health related problems faced by the living beings of the entire universe through the philosophy of continual improvement.

Based on the above objective, Deegayu has been successful in designing and launching a vast range of products, non of the other companies have heard of introducing so precisely up to date, combining modern science and technology with the wisdom of traditional medicines such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine as definite solutions for non viral epidemics namely, Diabetes, Lipid management, Arthritis, Nerve degeneration and sex related inadequacies of both sexes where the traditional allopathic system of medicine is still far away for offering definite solutions.

We cordially invite you to visit our site and explore the work we have performed up to now towards achieving our goals and be benefited through the range of innovative products designed based on our policy which you will realize are the only products available in the entire globe of this nature capable in satisfying you with great confidence.

00 94 33 22 97399, 00 94 33 22 97644 ,0094710397399,0094710397644

43 A, Kandy Road, Aluthgama - Bogamuwa, Kalagedihena - 11875 Sri Lanka